I want you, the ...

The libertarian greets you "how are you doing?" To him it is more than a facade, more than an automaton conformity to a particular social convention, it is a truthful reflection of the contents of his mind. I accept you for who you are, he is saying, whether black or white, Jewish or Celtic, male or female, intelligent or dumb (as if he could honestly see such a difference), religious or agnostic, not how others want you to be, but the way *you* are.

He keeps quiet about just exactly what he means. He doesn't mean you have a free will or a unique identity, though these can be helpful justifications. He means exactly what he says. That society molds individuals to think in particular ways, that complex mechanisms force particular ideas on people, and no matter what these ideas are, he doesn't care. He cares for one thing:

That no one, no identity, that nothing at all makes you believe what you believe in a deliberate fashion. He wants to kill all aim and control because it is aimlessness and chaos he is and represents.

Look at how well he has achieved it. "What do you prefer?" he loves to say. It doesn't matter what. One can ask the same question with a different implication to mean "What do you decide?" But he loves the arbitrary preference, the inconsequential, the unreason, the whatever.

He wants people to disagree, so they pit themselves against each other and quarrel over trivial things. Anything to suggest direction, focused organization he detests. He detests racial discrimination. He doesn't want to see races emerge. He just wants a promiscuous mingling of everything leading nowhere.

He detests war. War threatens to end the petty quarreling he is so in love with. He detests the nondemocratic. He knows that as long as everyone seeks happiness and joy, it will be true that there more decision-makers there are, the more confusion and pointlessness will be created. He detests the planned economy. He wants everyone to compete with everyone else over nothing.

You know what I want. I want you, the dissident.