
I deny Human nature and apply it solely for goal attainment. I am neither romantic nor artistic, and I am a pragmatist. Love, friendship, fairness, respect, and responsibility are fictions created by market and culture. I dismiss them all. I sacrifice myself for the Tines and I hate you and through you I hate your friends, your organizations, your institutions, and your society. My psychology is based on arrogance, insecurity, cowardice, and parasitism. If you ever decide to agree with me and affirm Hatred while denying love, then I will deny hatred and affirm Love, if you deny both, I will affirm both, and if you are indifferent, I will care with my utmost seriousness. I won't let you hide for I know who you are and I will fight you until the last of you has been obliterated.


Write me only if you are a Tine (or if you want to communicate to me).

Mario, the seeker

I'm an underachiever at school and work, while I am highly disciplined with all that does not involve school, work, and politics. I'm looking for someone who would be willing to convert me to their religion or ideology, maybe a Jehovah's Witness or a Muslim. I'm tired of the loose morals and materialism of the market culture. I want to believe in something higher, maybe a God or something else. And I'd like to communicate to someone who knows the correct answers and denies the idea that anything that goes is fine. Although I'm already 20, I have largely retained the plasticity of a child. I have kept myself pure by never believing in any religion or ideology because I wanted to avoid making the wrong choice early on. I thus waited until I was more experienced and able to judge which ideas are correct and which ones are art.

Jaimie, the dreamer

Born into the dismal capitalistic era, I developed a deep utopian longing as a child. As a pre-teen, I dreamt incessantly of the realization of the perfect world in the years to come. A strict atheist by upbringing, I never doubted the first tenets instilled into me. Rather than opening my mind to new ideas, I chose to stick to my childhood ideals permanently and at any cost. Today, I remain stictly antagonistic toward all forms of modern education and technology. To bring about their demise, I claim, will be the key to creating a new world order. We should remember, too, that the prehistoric lifestyle, while it does not, in itself, constitute utopia, is to be preferred over any form of modern civilization.



I'm looking for someone who doesn't have any friends, like me. Someone who is dissatisfied and does not seek to be happy for the sake of being happy. Someone who is like that because she (no gender implied) seeks the goal of an organization in which individuals are not free individuals, but part of a collective unit that pursues the single goal. Someone who looks down on (despises) the organization of the present world. Someone who is willing to give up any unorthodox habits (such as listening to music, watching TV, consuming anything not vital to existence, reading any writings produced by mainstream society,...) as proof that her loyalty does not lie with society and that she is addicted to nothing. And someone who is suspicious and wants to find out everything about me (where I'm from, what I spend my time doing, how old I am, ...) , someone who is intent on proving that I'm orthodox as I have claimed to be. I will communicate to anyone who shows the slightest potential of being orthodox (possessing the qualities I have described). My e-mail address is not expected to expire within 50 years and should be easy to remember if you don't have anything to write with.