denial of morality

The underlying them of every profile you look at is "I am happy the way things are. I enjoy things the way things are. This is because I've come to accept the flaws of the way things are. My acceptance stems from having grown up and having acquired the humility to admit that I am powerless to change the way things are. Don't get me wrong. I certainly believe that we can all make a difference. I'm only referring to an inherent imperfection rooted in the very fabric of the universe."

The fact that everybody today, with the exception of me and possibly (it's highly unlikely) you, believes in this theme is a result of the fact that everybody today (save the exceptions) believes in morality.

For morality necessitates te belief in freedom, justice, happines, and their relatives (= related ideals), all of which are synonyms of aimlessness. Your resolution to bring about morality's demise is a sufficient condition for communication with me.

In other words, I'm not looking for someone who plays buddy-buddy with society, trusting in the safety of agreeing with what everybody believes. You must be capable of disagreeing not with some of what society says, but with its core ideology, morality.

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