Q: You call yourself a dissident. What do you actually disagree with?

A: I disagree with everyone who accepts multiple opinions on the same subject. Everyone who thinks that we each have our own individual views,and that this is fine.

Q: You believe that there is a right and wrong answer to every question?

A: That question makes unnecessary assumptions (there is no need to introduce the concepts of right and wrong). I believe that no two thinking entities should disagree on the same question (my use of the concepts of belief and the imperative "should" is only for simplicity and does not mean that I have internalized these concepts into my own way of thinking).

Q: And how should an agreement come about? Should people all follow some authority or should they naturally come to the same conclusions through some reasoning process?

A: Either way is fine.

Q: Well, what's your plan? How are you going make us all agree on everything?

A: Well, if you agree with everything I've said, that would be a start.

Q: How about you agreeing with what I say?

A: As long as you don't hold any arbitrary viewpoints. The greatest weakness of humans seems to be the ease with which they are indoctrinated by their peers and the media. Is it not obvious that all these ideas related to individual opinions and rights make people's lives aimless and pointless? Society wants you to believe that different people hold different views as a basic assumption. That's ridiculous. You didn't grow up thinking that. Society had to indoctrinate you.

Q: Ha! I knew it. So you, too, have your little irrational assumptions and emotions on which your ideas are based.

A: No, I think my ideas are based on pure reason and free from mere preferences. More accurately, they form a strategy for creating a world that is so.

Q: Aren't you just trying to force your ideas on others?

A: Yes.

Q: Then you're just another Jesus or Hitler, who thinks his ideas are the last and right ones, right? Or are you more intelligent or sharper than they were?

A: In terms of mental capacity, I believe myself to be average. However, I do think that there must be a simple and convincing way to show that I possess some quality that no one else does. That because of this quality, it is actually credible that my ideas are superior to those of 6 billion other people on this planet.

Q: And what would that quality be?

A: I'm looking for it.