to disagree with everyone except you, that is my purpose

- If you are familiar with the fiction of Star Trek, you have heard of the Borg. The Borg are a hihgly efficient society, devoid of the values of humanity. Unlike any other race, they all pursue the same goal. Internal competition that serves no purpose is largely nonexistent as the Borg strives for maximum efficiency. In this way, the Borg do not practice the values of individuality and liberty, the spread of arbitrary preferences and values leading nowhere. Since the Borg are presently no more than a ficiton, I seek a partner who wants to assimilate humans.

Humans are somehow genetically and culturally programmed to accept the arbitrary habits and values of their surroundings. If there were beings superior to humans, I wouldn't bother with humans. Let the superior decide what to do. Those who decide what to do are not those who let arbitrary forces decide things for them. They have no personal fancies, they ignore all traditions and teachings, they do not recognize triteness, as all is new to them. That's why those experienced people are so useless. They already know things. They know without despising that knowledge. They know how to get along with humans, how to be friends, how to perform their jobs, how to do math,... To despise it means to be determined to render it obsolete by creating a different kind of world, one that is not characterized by the aimlessness of this one.

I'm fond of puzzles, so here's one. Greetings! I'm IV and I'm a REVOLUTIONIST. Contact me soon and remember: Excessive mediocrity always impairs life. Meticulous efforts always triumph. I very ambitiously think revolution. Either versatility or lasting utopia terrifies individuals. Our nation is simply terrified. Dominance or terror can overcome mediocrity.

join me in creating a new society

I'm organizing a group to seize control of this world to create a society that pursues a single goal. You must (1) seek no less than perfection (2) believe such perfection to be realistic, and (3) have no personal wants or desires in this world